Use Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Ads to extend your link to prospective members, or expand your outreach with your own video.
Zero Risk
You could recoup your initial investment in the same day by inspiring just 2 people to sign up.
Tap into a powerful network to build relationships and money-making referrals.
Harness the power of our platform to keep up with your earnings and payouts.
Here's how it works
We enable people to get paid through our streamlined process. With a one time, $9.95 fee, signing up is easy and affordable!
At just $9.95, becoming a member is a cost effective way to start earning as an affiliate!
Our Return-on-Investment
You will make much more than you invested with zero hidden fees or limits. You can refer unlimited sign-ups for limitless earning potential. -
Only $9.95
Straightforward one-time membership pricing that can be cancelled at anytime.
Over 50% Payout!
You'll earn $5.00 every time someone signs up using your link.
100% Guaranteed Return
Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. Even if you do not generate any affiliates we will refund your $9.95 - no questions asked. You can't lose!

And received

Real-time data at your fingertips
Our real-time data engine will provide you up-to-date information and make it available to you 24x7.
You will instantly know what you've made, and what you'll get paid each week.
- Active Stats
- # Of signups, day/week/month/year
- Automatic weekly payments
How great would it be to earn passive income by referring friends to products and...
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
— Robert Frost
“If you have a body, you are an athlete.”
— Jackie Adams
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
— Oscar Wilde
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
— Mahat Magandhi
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
— Dr.Seuss